You can pay by bank transfer in your online banking or you can go directly to the bank and request that they make the bank transfer to the bank details that are set out below, it is important that the name of the person in charge of the reservation and the name of our bank account (beneficiary), once the transfer has been made successfully, you must send us by email the scanned copy of it with said data, when the copy is in our possession we will follow up at the bank, thus leaving the reservation formalized, subject to our terms and conditions that you should have read beforehand.
The data to be able to process said transfer are the following:
Beneficiary: Safari Africa United limited
Account number (IBAN): 0030034598
Exim bank Tanzania limited
Swift Code: EXTNTZTZ
Head Office: Ghana avenue
P.O. Box 1431
Dar es Salaam- Tanzania
Crazy Office: Goliondoi Road
P: O: BOX 1906